January 19, 2025
Upcoming Events:
Called Session Meeting – Immediately following worship today.
Congregational Meeting – January 26, 2025 following worship service.
Oxon Hill Elementary Family Market
The school has a grant that provides enough food for 100 families from the Capital Area Food Bank. If you are interested in volunteering to help sort the food and distribute it once a month, please let Janis McGeehan know. All adult volunteers will need a background check if you plan to volunteer more than once. Teens are welcome and will receive Community Service Credits. The food is sorted from 2-4 pm and distributed from 4-5 pm. You may assist all or part of that time. The school system website has directions for how to apply. The fee is $61 payable by the volunteer. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who helped during the 2023-24 school year! The dates for this year are every 3rd Tuesday of each month.
January 21, February 18, March 18, Apil 15, May 20, June 17th.
Oxon Hill Food Pantry- The pantry continues to need volunteers to help sort and distribute food. Please continue to bring canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, soups, spaghetti sauce, or other shelf stable foods to Southminster any Sunday. Speak to Janis McGeehan to volunteer. Thank you for your continued support to help provide food to our local community.
Warm Nights Program
This project is coordinated by First Baptist in Camp Springs and supported by Southminster and several other local congregations. Our local churches will participate February 10 through 16, 2025. We will help provide bagged breakfast and lunch that week to support the efforts of Prince George’s County to assist those in the county who are without a permanent home. These persons and families are housed in a hotel in the county. Donations of gift cards to fast food establishments near the hotel will be needed. We will collect food donations to pack in the bagged meals. More information is coming!
Flower Fund needs replenishment. Please see Nurture Division.
Special Offering Dates-
Joy Gift for PCUSA (November 3 – January 12)
Outreach Christmas Gift Cards for Oxon Hill Elementary School
(November 3 – December 29)
Warm Nights Gift Cards (January through February)
Higher Education Scholarship Fund (February through June)
One Great Hour of Sharing for PCUSA (March 2 – April 27)
$$$ Online Giving Link $$$