Southminster Presbyterian Church
7th Sunday after Epiphany February 23, 2025
Order of Worship 10:30 am Hybrid/Zoom Worship
Liturgical Color Today is Green
*All who are able, please stand
Welcome Pulpit Assistant
Sharing the Peace of Christ
Leader: The Peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
Introit “Come and Go With Me”
Call to Worship
Leader: We come, those who seek to trust in God.
People: We commit ourselves to do as Jesus would do for those around us.
Leader: We come, delighting in all the wonders God provides for us.
People: We would not worry, but open ourselves to God’s heart.
Leader: We come, waiting patiently for God to speak.
People: We will be still, listening for God’s words of hope, of peace.
Hymn of Praise “For the Healing of the Nations” Page 346
Call to Confession
Over and over, we are told how simple life with God can be: trust, do good to others, take delight in the wonders God provides for us. But we simply have trouble living such a life. Let us confess the struggles we have, as we bring our prayers to God, saying,
Prayer of Confession (Unison)
Revealing God, in this season of light, we find ourselves wandering the shadows of the world. In this time when we focus on Jesus’ ministry of healing, we hold tight to all those emotions – hatred, fear, worry – which continue to damage us. In these days when we are invited to listen to Jesus’ teachings, we confess it is easier to hear the seductive words of sin.
Resurrecting God, forgive us, for trusting in promises which are short-lived, rather than in your Word which endures forever. You have sent Jesus before us so that, as we follow him, we might travel from that far country of fear and doubt to that better country of resurrection life.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Forgiveness
Leader: Take delight in the good news, dear friends. Salvation is from our God, who restores us to new life.
People: God chooses to be gracious, God longs to give us our heart’s desires, God provides healing and hope to all. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen.
*Gloria Patri Page 581
Anthem “Bless The Lord”
Prayer for Illumination
Guide us, O God, by your Word, and Holy Spirit, that in your light we may see light, in your truth find freedom, and in your will discover peace, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
First Reading Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Second Reading Luke 6:27-38
Hymn of Inspiration “Dona Nobis Pacem” Page 752
Sermon Rev. Nancy Neal
Affirmation of faith Unison (from A Brief Statement of Faith,” Presbyterian Church USA)
In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. With believers in every time and place we rejoice that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Invitation to Prayer Christian Women/Men’s Fellowship…….
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Prayers of the People and the Lords’s Prayer
Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Choral Response “O Lord, How Excellent”
Invitation to Offering
*Doxology Page 606
Prayer of Dedication
You pour out grace upon us, Loving God, not so we might be filled, but we might empty ourselves for others. Take these gifts we offer in these moments and use them to bring new life and hope to all around us. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
*Closing Hymn/Recession “Why Should I Feel Discouraged?” Page 661
*Charge and Benediction
We leave, our hearts filled with God’s love.
We will go to offer the wonders of laughter and hope to everyone we will meet.
We leave, following Jesus into the world.
We will serve alongside him in the brokenness of our neighbors and our communities.
We leave, having heard the whispers of the Spirit.
We will speak justice to those who would hoard it only for themselves.
Choral Prayer “Lord, Make Me More Holy”
7801 Livingston Road Oxon Hill, MD 20745
Phone: 301 567-1510
E-mail Address:
Pulpit Supply: Rev Nancy Neal
Choir Director: Gail Tyler
Organist: Alberta Stith
Administrative Assistant: Lori Weaver
Pulpit Assistant:
February 23rd through March 1, 2025
MONDAY Church Office Closed
TUESDAY Church Office Closed
WEDNESDAY 8:30 -1:00 pm Church Office Open
10:30 -11:30 am Bible Study, led by Gwen Driggins
THURSDAY 8:30 – 1:00 PM Church Office Open
FRIDAY 8:30 – 1:00 pm Church Office Open
SATURDAY………………………..Church Office Closed
The bulletin can also be found on the church website.
Moderator – Vacant.
Clerk of Session – Vacant
Session Elders:
Class of 2025 – Rose Gregory, Grace Nguhmbi, Anna Tendongfack.
Class of 2026– Julius Njabebuh, Kudi Njembu, Frida Fru.
Class of 2027– Jennifer Diggins, Janis McGeehan, Theresia Njembu
Welcome! We are blessed by your presence with us today. We give a special welcome to our visitors. Southminster is committed to growing in faith and being a blessing to our neighbors. We thank God for our diversity of race, theological views, and personal background. We invite you to visit with us during the fellowship time after worship and to worship with us again. If you have questions about our ministry, speak with a worship leader. Please send us your email and telephone number if you have questions about us and may want to join us in worship at some time. We offer you blessings in the name of the Lord. To join us for worship online each Sunday, you may join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please invite others. The link to church worship services can be found on the Church website at the following
Prayers: We continue to pray for our homebound member
Upcoming Events: Pot Luck, for Coffee Fellowship Honoring Black History Month,
February 23, 2025. After Worship Service. Please sign-up.
Oxon Hill Elementary Family Market
The school has a grant that provides enough food for 100 families from the Capital Area Food Bank. If you are interested in volunteering to help sort the food and distribute it once a month, please let Janis McGeehan know. All adult volunteers will need a background check if you plan to volunteer more than once. Teens are welcome and will receive Community Service Credits. The food is sorted from 2-4 pm and distributed from 4-5 pm. You may assist all or part of that time. The school system website has directions for how to apply. The fee is $61 payable by the volunteer. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who helped during the 2023-24 school year! The dates for this year are every 3rd Tuesday of each month.
March 18, Apil 15, May 20, June 17th.
Oxon Hill Food Pantry- The pantry continues to need volunteers to help sort and distribute food. Please continue to bring canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, soups, spaghetti sauce, or other shelf stable foods to Southminster any Sunday. Speak to Janis McGeehan to volunteer. Thank you for your continued support to help provide food to our local community.
Warm Nights Thank You! Outreach appreciates all the gift cards and cash donations received to help the local group of churches, led by First Baptist of Camp Springs, provide our contribution to the Warm Nights Program. We were able to meet the goal of providing bagged breakfast and lunch for part of the week and gift cards to purchase meals the other days. Southminster volunteers helped to prepare sandwiches, pack lunch bags, and hygiene bags for 50 men and women being served by the Warm Nights Project. Your generosity and willingness to volunteer helps our county provide support to those without permanent housing.
The One Great Hour of Sharing special offering will be collected March 2nd through April 27th. There will be special envelopes on the back table and on the hallway table. Children will be given a fish offering box in their Sunday School class and are encouraged to put their offerings in it. This offering supports the PCUSA to provide relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed in our country and around the world. Southminster donated $571 in 2024.
Flower Fund needs replenishment. Please see Nurture Division.
Special Offering Dates-
Higher Education Scholarship Fund (February through June)
One Great Hour of Sharing for PCUSA (March 2 – April 27)
$$$ Online Giving Link $$$