Sunday Bulletin

Southminster Presbyterian Church

Second Sunday after Epiphany                               January 19, 2025  


Leader:  This is the Day that the Lord has made!
People:  Let us Rejoice and be glad in it.                         Psalm 118 24 

Sharing the Peace of Christ

Leader:  The Peace of Christ be with you.
People:  And also with you.    

Introit                                               “We Have Come Into This House”


Call to Worship                                                                    Psalm 36 7-9 
Leader:  How precious is your steadfast love, O God! May all people take refuge in the shadow of your wings. 
People:  We feast on the abundance of your house, and you give us drink from the river of your delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. 

Hymn of Praise           “We’ve Come This Far by Faith!”         Page 656

Call to Confession
Let us humbly approach God’s throne of grace to confess our sins and present ourselves honestly before our Savior. 

Silent Confession

Prayer of Confession (Unison)                              1 Corinthians 12 1-11 
You have blessed us with a variety of gifts, Holy God, but we are reluctant to share. We hoard what is most valuable and make excuses for ourselves when called to share. The Spirit has blessed each of us uniquely, but we hide our light under a bushel and fail to rise to our potential. God, forgive us and embolden us. Help us to claim our gifts and put them to good use. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness  
Our God is a loving God, full of mercy. In Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Believe in this forgiveness, be at peace, and respond in grateful service. Amen.

*Gloria Patri                                                                                Page 581

A Time for Children 

Anthem                        “We Have Overcome


Prayer for Illumination    
Holy God, we need the guidance of your Word. Help us be honest with ourselves and with you in this sacred moment of proclamation. Amen. 

Old Testament                                                                          Psalm 36 5-10

Hymn of Inspiration        “We Are One in The Spirit”               Page 300

New Testament                                                           I Corinthians 12 1-11

Sermon        “Signs and Persecutions”      Reverend Elenora Giddings Ivory

Affirmation of faith  Unison                   (from A Brief Statement of Faith) 
We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God: preaching good news to the poor and release to the captives, teaching by word and deed and blessing the children, healing the sick and binding up the brokenhearted, eating with outcasts, forgiving sinners, and calling all to repent and believe the gospel. Unjustly condemned for blasphemy and sedition, Jesus was crucified, suffering the depths of human pain and giving his life for the sins of the world. God raised this Jesus from the dead, vindicating his sinless life, breaking the power of sin and evil, delivering us from death to life eternal. Amen.


Opportunities for Ministry and Fellowship

Invitation to Prayer                                    CWF/CMF-Southminster

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

Prayers of The People  (Unison)
God, our refuge and strength, shelter us from life’s storms, from hopelessness and despair, from heart ache and loss. Strengthen us to withstand the worry, the exhausting but necessary work, the temptations to stray from you toward idols who only offer fleeting comfort. Hold us close, like the mother hen who covers her chicks under her wing, so we can know we are yours, feel your steady presence, and know your peace. God, you are in our midst, yet the nations are in an uproar and kingdoms totter. Help us to know your presence among us, God. Comfort and guide us in this tumultuous and painful world. May our leaders walk humbly and practice faithful discernment, surrounding themselves with honest truthtellers who will hold them to your ethic of love and justice. God, in these days of uproar and upheaval, help us find ways to rest, restore and renew ourselves. Help us step away from the work still undone, the chores piling up, the deadlines approaching. Help us find ways to rest in your presence. Help us behold and enjoy you. We cannot continue without the rest you provide. Help us embrace stillness as your great gift. United as the Body of Christ we lift these prayers to you, Savior God. Hear us now, as we pray the prayer Christ taught us by saying together, “Our Father….”

Lord’s Prayer (Traditional)                                                   Page 35

Choral Response                                           “Thank you, Lord

Call for the offering   Our God blesses us with extravagance and abundance. Grateful for all we have been given, let us present our tithes and offerings to the Lord. 

*Doxology                                                                               Page 606

Prayer of Dedication                                                       Psalm 132 15
Holy God, the psalmist declares that in your realm, all the poor are satisfied with bread. Plant that promise firmly in our hearts, that we might be agents of your covenant love. Use these gifts; shape our desire, until hunger is no more—for Jesus taught us to seek our neighbor’s daily bread, and we pray by the power of his name.  Amen


*Invitational Hymn    “We Are Marching in the Light of God”   Page  853

*Charge and Benediction 

Choral Benediction                                            “Three-Fold Amen”

Postlude (Please remain seated for Postlude)

7801 Livingston Road, Oxon Hill, MD 20745 

January 12 – January 18, 2025

TODAY   10:30 am                        WORSHIP SERVICE
MONDAY                                        Church Office Closed
TUESDAY                                        Church Office Closed
WEDNESDAY        8:30 -1:00 pm Church Office Open
                               10:30 -11:30 am Bible Study, led by Gwen Driggins
THURSDAY           8:30 – 1:00 PM Church Office Open
FRIDAY                  8:30 – 1:00 pm Church Office Open
SATURDAY………………………..Church Office Closed

The bulletin can also be found on the church website.

Moderator.  Vacant.  Session Elders Clerk of Session– Vacant
Class of 2025 – Rose Gregory, Grace Nguhmbi, Anna Tendongfack.  
Class of 2026
– Julius Njabebuh, Kudi Njembu, Frida Fru.  
Class of 2027– Jennifer Diggins, Janis McGeehan, Theresia Njembu

Welcome!  We are blessed by your presence with us today.  We give a special welcome to our visitors.  Southminster is committed to growing in faith and being a blessing to our neighbors.  We thank God for our diversity of race, theological views, and personal background.  We invite you to visit with us during the fellowship time after worship and to worship with us again.  If you have questions about our ministry, speak with a worship leader.  Please send us your email and telephone number if you have questions about us and may want to join us in worship at some time.  We offer you blessings in the name of the Lord.  To join us for worship online each Sunday, you may join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.  Please invite others.  The link to church worship services can be found on the Church website at the following


Prayers:  We continue to pray for our homebound member.

Funeral service was held on January 17th at Cheltenham Veteran’s Cemetery, MD, for Linda Harucki McCray.  She was the wife of Tom McCray.  She was also the sister of Nancy Harucki Bennett.  Tom is the son of Phil and Cely McCray.  All were members of Southminster.  Phil McCray made and donated the Baptismal Font and the two large flower stands on either side of the alter.

Upcoming Events:  
     Called Session Meeting – 
Immediately following worship today.
     Congregational Meeting – January 26, 2025 following worship service.

Oxon Hill Elementary Family Market
The school has a grant that provides enough food for 100 families from the Capital Area Food Bank.  If you are interested in volunteering to help sort the food and distribute it once a month, please let Janis McGeehan know.  All adult volunteers will need a background check if you plan to volunteer more than once.  Teens are welcome and will receive Community Service Credits.  The food is sorted from 2-4 pm and distributed from 4-5 pm.  You may assist all or part of that time.  The school system website has directions for how to apply.  The fee is $61 payable by the volunteer.  Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who helped during the 2023-24 school year!  The dates for this year are every 3rd Tuesday of each month.
January 21, February 18, March 18, Apil 15, May 20, June 17th.

Oxon Hill Food Pantry- The pantry continues to need volunteers to help sort and distribute food.  Please continue to bring canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, soups, spaghetti sauce, or other shelf stable foods to Southminster any Sunday.  Speak to Janis McGeehan to volunteer.  Thank you for your continued support to help provide food to our local community.

Warm Nights Program
This project is coordinated by First Baptist in Camp Springs and supported by Southminster and several other local congregations.  Our local churches will participate February 10 through 16, 2025.  We will help provide bagged breakfast and lunch that week to support the efforts of Prince George’s County to assist those in the county who are without a permanent home.  These persons and families are housed in a hotel in the county.  Donations of gift cards to fast food establishments near the hotel will be needed.  We will collect food donations to pack in the bagged meals.  More information is coming!

Flower Fund needs replenishment.  Please see Nurture Division.

Special Offering Dates-
    Joy Gift for PCUSA 
(November 3 – January 12)
    Outreach Christmas Gift Cards for Oxon Hill Elementary School
November 3 – December 29)
    Warm Nights Gift Cards (January through February)
    Higher Education Scholarship Fund 
(February through June)
    One Great Hour of Sharing for PCUSA (March 2 – April 27)

$$$ Online Giving Link $$$