Sunday Bulletin

Southminster Presbyterian Church

Fourth Sunday of Advent             Sunday, December 22, 2024
Order of Worship/Input 10:30 am Hybrid/Zoom Worship

                               Liturgical Color Today is Purple
*All who are able, please stand

Prelude                                                                                    Alberta Stith 
Welcome                                                                            Pulpit Assistant


Leader:  The Peace of Christ be with you.
People:  And also with you.

Introit                                                                    “Emmanuel”


*Call to Worship                                              from Psalm 146
Leader Praise the Lord, O my soul!
People:  I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God all my life long.
Leader:  Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help.
People:  When their breath departs, they return to the earth; on that very day their plans perish.
Leader:  Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God,
People:  who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them;
Leader:  who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry.
People:  The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
Leader:  The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous.
People:  The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow,
Leader:  The Lord will reign forever,
All:        We worship you oh God of Zion for all generations.

*Hymn of Praise                       “People Look East ”                      Page 105

Call to Confession 

Prayer of Confession (unison)
O Lord in whom we trust; we confess that our fears have caused us to choose paths that lead us away from your promises. Sending your Son to be Emmanuel…God with us, God for us.  Still, we turn away in fear.  Forgive our resistance to your habitation among us.  Soften our resistance by your Spirit, that we will welcome your holy presence.  Living in its light joyously, help us witness faithfully to the hope it brings, until the day when every eye will see, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to your everlasting glory.  Amen.

Silent Confession

Assurance of Pardon
Leader:  God declares: “ Do not be afraid.  I am with you.  I have called you by name.  You are mine.”  Friends, believe the good news of the gospel:  In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.  
Thanks be to God!

*Gloria Patri                                                                                   Page 581

A Time for Children

Special Music                                        “There’s A New Song In the Air” 
                                                                “There Was No Room” 
                                                                “Mary Had A Baby” 
                                                                “Go Tell It On the Mountain
                                                                “Joyfully Sing Noel
                                                                 “O Come, All Ye Faithful

Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle             Grace & David Nkemtitah & Family
Unison Prayer by all present:  Loving God, we open ourselves to you, this Christmas season.  As these candles are lit, light our lives with your imagination.  Show us the creative power of hope.  Teach us the peace that comes from justice.  Fill us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared.  Magnify your love within us.  Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you that we may walk in the light of Christ.  We have the certain knowledge that God is always coming into the world.  We will seek God, not in a long ago stable or ancient manger, but in the people we meet and the depths of our own hearts.  May the blessing of Christmas make us a blessing to others; May the peace of the season pervade all that we do.  We will welcome the challenge of discipleship.  We will offer ourselves as God’s ministers.  We will go forth in hope, peace, joy, and love.  Amen.


Prayer for Illumination
Gracious God, open the eyes of our hearts, that we may hear the words of your son Jesus Christ, and help us understand his will for us.  May his commandments be not hidden from us, but open our eyes, that we may perceive the goodness he seeks for us.

First Reading                                                                           Micah 5:2-5A

Hymn of Inspiration     “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came”      (See Insert)

Second Reading                                                                       Luke 1:39-55

Sermon               “Upending the World”                Rev. Dr. Larry Golemon

*Affirmation of Faith (in unison)
I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried.  He descended into hell.  The third day he rose again from the dead.  He ascended to heaven, and is seated on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence, he will come to judge the quick and the dead.  I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.  Amen.


Opportunities for Ministry and Fellowship


Invitation to Prayer    Christian Women/Men’s Fellowship     CWF/CMF

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer (traditional)                 Page 464

Choral Response                                  “Hear Our Prayer”  

Invitation to the Offering    Christian Women/Men’s Fellowship   CWF/CMF
Gracious God, who provides for us beyond our expectations, multiply the offerings we bring to this time and place, that we may participate with you in the compassionate outreach of this church through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.


*Doxology         “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”           Page 606

*Prayer of Dedication
Thank you God, for choosing us to receive your generous mercies and to pass them on.  May our gifts and our way of life provide an open invitation and summons to your table for all whom we meet. Bless and expand our sharing.  Amen.


Sending Hymn           “Gentle Mary Laid her Child”               (See Insert)

*Charge and Benediction                                    Rev. Dr. Larry Golemon

Choral Prayer                                       “Amen”

Postlude                                                                                   Alberta Stith

7801 Livingston Road, Oxon Hill, MD  20745

Phone:  301-567-1510 
E-mail address:
Pulpit Supply: Rev. Dr. Larry Golemon 
Choir Director:  Gail Tyler 
Organist:  Alberta Stith 
Administrative Assistant:  Lori Weaver 
Pulpit Assistant:

December 22  – December 28, 2024

                           TODAY    10:30 am           WORSHIP SERVICE  
                          MONDAY                             Church Office Closed
                         TUESDAY    8:30 – 1:00 pm Church Office Open
                  WEDNESDAY    8:30 – 1:00 pm Church Office Closed
                                              10:00 – 11:30 No Bible Study
                     THURSDAY     8:30 – 1:00 pm Church Office Open
                            FRIDAY     8:30 – 1:00 pm Church Office Open
                     SATURDAY                              Church Office Closed 

SOUTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – WELCOME!  We are blessed by your presence with us today.  We give a special welcome to our visitors.  Southminster is committed to growing in faith and being a blessing to our neighbors.  We thank God for our diversity of race, theological views, and personal background.  We invite you to visit with us during the fellowship time after worship and to worship with us again.  If you have questions about our ministry, speak with a worship leader.  Please send us your email and telephone number if you have questions about us and may want to join us in worship at some time.  We offer you blessings in the name of the Lord.  To join us for worship online each Sunday, you may come from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.  Invite others.  The link to the church worship services can be found on the Church website at the following URL

The bulletin can also be found on the church website.

Moderator. Vacant Session Elders –  – Clerk of Session– Vacant. 
 Class of 2025 – Rose Gregory; Grace Nguhmbi; Anna Tendongfack. Class of 2026– Julius Njabebuh; Kudi Njembu; Frida Fru. Class of 2027-  Jennifer Driggins, Janis McGeehan, Theresia Njembu                    

Prayers:  We continue to pray for our homebound member.

Upcoming Events:

December 24 Christmas Eve Celebration, 5:30 pm at Southminster Please bring an inexpensive wrapped gift (dollar store item) as we will play the “Left/Right game”.

December 29, 2024 Pledge Dedication

Oxon Hill Elementary School Students
The students at Oxon Hill Elementary School need scarves, mittens and gloves.  Please donate some of these items so the students can stay warm this winter.  Please place the mittens, gloves, hats and scarves in the basket in the sanctuary.

Stewardship Update:
Pledges Received –
 12 for the General Fund for a total of $46,972.  (We are still $101,229 from the goal.)  7 pledges for the Building Fund for a total of $25,236.  (This is $29,159 from our goal.)  Please prayerfully consider making a pledge so the Session will be able to implement their projects and be confident that both our fixed and unexpected expenses can be covered.  Pledges can be placed in a sealed envelope to the attention of Yvonne Hollis, and placed in the offering plate any Sunday.  Be sure to put your name on your pledge.  Thank you for supporting the needs and programs at Southminster!

Oxon Hill Elementary Family Market
The school has a grant that provides enough food for 100 families from the Capital Area Food Bank.  If you are interested in volunteering to help sort the food and distribute it once a month, please let Janis McGeehan know.  All adult volunteers will need a background check if you plan to volunteer more than once.  Teens are welcome and will receive Community Service Credits.  The food is sorted from 2-4 pm and distributed from 4-5 pm.  You may assist all or part of that time.  The school system website has directions for how to apply.  The fee is $61 payable by the volunteer.  Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who helped during the 2023-24 school year!  The dates for this year are every 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Jan. 21, Feb 18 , Mar. 18, Apr15, May 20, June 17

Oxon Hill Food Pantry:   The pantry continues to need volunteers to help sort and distribute food.  Please continue to bring canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, soups spaghetti sauce, or other shelf stable foods to Southminster any Sunday.  Speak to Janis McGeehan to volunteer.  Thank you for your continued support to help provide food to our local community.

Warm Nights Program:  This project is coordinated by First Baptist in Camp Springs and supported by Southminster and several other local congregations.  Our local churches will participate February 10 through 16, 2025.  We will help provide bagged breakfast and lunch that week to support the efforts of Prince George’s County to assist those in the county who are without a permanent home.  These persons and families are housed in a hotel in the county.  Donations of gift cards to fast food establishments near the hotel will be needed.  We will collect food donations to pack in the bagged meals.  More information is coming!

Flower Fund needs replenishment.  Please see Nurture Division

Outreach Division thanks all who have supported our projects this year.  Volunteers from Southminster help each month at the Family Market at Oxon Hill Elementary School.  Thanks to donations from the congregation, we were able to provide the school with a variety of school supplies.  Members are currently donating hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens for the students.  Gloves and scarves are still needed.  Special thanks to Miss Marjorie, who donated approximately 100 handmade hats that she made throughout the year!  Our members have donated grocery gift cards, financial gifts, and food to support Oxon Hill Food Pantry.  Donations to the Peace Offering helped us purchase Thanksgiving meals for 2 Food Pantry families.  We get to use 25% of the Peace Offering for our local community.  So many of you pitched in to set-up, prepare food, serve, and clean-up after our Stewardship Luncheon.  Your donations to the Higher Education Scholarship Fund made it possible to give two (2) of our youth members $1,000 to help offset some expenses for their first year of higher education.  Your donations to One Great Hour of Sharing totaled $581.51.  The Outreach Division thanks you all for helping us continue to support our community and some of the global missions of the Presbyterian Church USA.

Special Offering Dates-

  • Joy Gift for PCUSA (November 3 – January 12)
  • Outreach Christmas Gift Cards for Oxon Hill Elementary School (November 3 – December 29)
  • Warm Nights Gift Cards (January through February)
  • Higher Education Scholarship Fund (February through June)
  • One Great Hour of Sharing for PCUSA (March 2 – April 27)

$$$ Online Giving Link $$$